Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As the summer is nearing its end and my last year of nursing school creeps nearer, a sense of panic has settled into my bones... panic about the dreaded NCLEX exam. There is an overwhelming pile of NCLEX study materials that have accumulated in my house that call my name continually. Yesterday I actually grabbed a couple books and hauled my butt to the coffee shop where I spent a couple hours reviewing the endocrine system. While it felt good to study, the horror of the amount of material I had forgotten really put the fear of God in me. I think I will be making another trip to the coffee shop tomorrow.

There are a ton of books available, as well as websites, to help you get ready for the NCLEX exam. Here is one link that includes practice test questions: I had heard that the best strategy is to take oodles of practice tests and then focus your studying on the areas where you struggled.

According to the Mn State Board of Nursing, this is the website you need to visit when it comes time to schedule your exam: The closest exam location for me will be at the Pearson Professional Centers in Duluth (on Arrowhead Rd). Here is a link to the 2009 NCLEX Examination Candidate Bulletin. It's jam packed with good info.

I figure I have about 10 months before the big test.... maybe tomorrow I'll come up with a studying game plan...

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